JP Networking Solutions is a full service of Networking and Office solutions provider located in Hong Kong and China. Our Mission is to be the turnkey solution provider of choice for business in PRC,
J手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫JP 網絡工程站

Origen is a professionally hosted web-based email & collaboration solution for enterprises. It is provided on a simple monthly subscription basis. Our absolute transparency in pricing & all-i
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫天工軟件有限公司

Telesales Executive -positions based in Petaling Jaya ~ Agensi Pekerjaan prestasi unggul Make outbound calls/presentation and convince clients . Requirements: SPM/Diploma/Degree Communication skills

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Kibby Lau Barbilia L. Natalie S. Fiona Fung Mandaline C. Holly H. Wai Lui Jai Day Gesche H. Andrea N. Crewsmodel is a full-service modeling and casting agency with a network of qualified and talented
C美容 / 形象顧問Crewsmodel

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物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

Cleaning Lab 匠人潔淨社 – 專業清潔公司-在港服務多年,專業清潔服務團隊,為各行各業提供高品質清潔服務。我們為顧客提供一系列專業的清潔服務,務求令顧客住得安全、安心。我們提供廣泛的清潔服務,包括家居清潔服務、辦公室清潔除甲醛服務、入伙前清潔及裝修後清潔等。還在找家居清潔公司邊間好?「匠人潔淨社-清潔服務公司」絕對是你的清潔公司推介
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COMTEC Technology Asia Limited , located on the World Wide Industrial Center in Shatin, Hong Kong, is a hi-tech, micro-machining, CAD/CAM/CNC computer systems facility. This facility was one of the f


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透過客戶的回應告訴我們,祝福搬屋每位員工——服務態度誠懇、有禮及認真,實實在在是大公司的服務,細公司的收費。客戶都樂意將本公司服務推介給親朋好友。在此,衷心多謝各客戶,對本公司無條件推介及美好讚賞。 祝福搬屋為客戶帶來平安和喜樂!本公司只顧用不索取小費的員工!
家居 / 搬運及迷你倉祝福搬屋公司
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